Wednesday, November 12, 2008

random thoughts

sometimes when we feel that it is our own pride that we are a victim of , that our decisions and perceived notions are determined by this single entity governing our minds and our decisions. 

prejudice and logic , a feeling of destituteness, and a sense of belonging. happiness and sorrow. luck and inevitability, lack of interest and pre-supposed attention

everything boils down to something variant with time and space. 

we are the sultans of swing........

drifting like a burnt log. existing with the knowledge that we are no longer capable of doing anything. yet still having a desire to fight on..

not be lost... in the maddening crowd.

realisation .. is something i have always yearned for.  i remember someone saying that i have my priorities in the right place. that was a long time ago.

we are the nobodies.......


rimz said...

random thots..those really r....
but "we r nobodies"????

we r 'evrything'.'we' make deserts bloom, 'we' make lakes dry...
Love urslf,U'll love evrything/evry1 one around.
We nid to despise a bit less on ourselves.May b ur thots r different, but i think so... :)

Unknown said...

hey ... ppl are diffrnt

`Sree` said...

I reckon,we r merely no ones in this someone's world
I reckon we utterly pine for wat we never get in hold...

It's that we ve lost our cry,run short of smiles
feel foul to jive
don't we really sore to do the chore of being alive??

Unknown said...

everyone does .. but i feel that most of us snub those questions and prepare themselves for a existence that is in sync with the world around us ...

that is the choice to be made ... to live on with these questions .... or to live on as a player in the game