Friday, July 18, 2008


Firstly apologies for such a late post. Actually I have been caught up with work so much that I didn’t have the time or rather the energy to add to my blog. A general update ..

  1. I am 19 officially now !
  2. I am working quite hard for my college fresher
  3. I have found a new zeal for football: I am playing that everyday.

Besides that , I have also found an e-mail friend by the name of Mandy Chen from China ( yes c-h-i-n-a ). She is 23 and she studies pedagogy . we exchange e-mails and pictures. She is quite cool, though a total nerd like me.


rimz said...

baah..good....Hope to learn ching-chang-chung frm U soon..hehehe..

Unknown said...

he he he